
Important notice: Candidates should only apply for one award. The award winners of the first six awards below should attend the Closing Ceremony on Friday, 5 September 2025 to receive their prize.

For more information please e-mail awards@sicot.org.

Sponsored by the Korean Orthopaedic Association

Awarded at the Closing Ceremony of each World Congress, one prize of USD 1000 is granted to one orthopaedic surgeon with an accepted oral or poster presentation in Orthopaedic Microsurgery. The purpose is to help a young surgeon attend the Congress.
Prerequisites: candidates must be under 40, be members of SICOT (2025 membership paid), and have an accepted abstract (oral or poster presentation in Orthopaedic Microsurgery) for the SICOT Congress.

Application deadline: 28 May 2025
Sponsored by the SICOT Foundation

Two awards of USD 500 each, as well as free registration for the Congress and a certificate, will be granted at the Closing Ceremony to two young orthopaedic surgeons with an accepted abstract (poster) in Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy. The purpose is to help them attend the meeting and encourage the submission of poster presentations.
Prerequisites: candidates must be members of SICOT under 40 years of age (2025 membership paid) and must have an abstract (poster) in Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy accepted for the Congress.
Please send the following documents to awards@sicot.org: application letter, CV, abstract accepted for the Congress, copy of birth certificate or passport.

Application deadline: 28 May 2025
Sponsored by the SICOT Foundation

Two prizes of USD 500 each is awarded during the Closing Ceremony, along with a certificate, to two women orthopaedic surgeons or trainees under 40 years of age who have published an original scientific work in orthopaedics or traumatology in the English language within the last three years. The purpose of the award is to encourage young female researchers and clinicians.
Please send the following documents to awards@sicot.org: application letter, CV, copy of birth certificate or passport, and copy of one piece of personal work published within the last three years.

Application deadline: 28 May 2025
Sponsored by NuVasive and SICOT Foundation

Four scholarships of USD 500 each for posters in Spine and three scholarships of USD 1,000 each for orals in Spine with a certificate will be awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress. The purpose is to allow eligible Active or Associate members of SICOT to attend the SICOT Congress by helping to cover the accommodation and travel costs.
Prerequisites: candidates must be orthopaedic spine surgeons or general orthopaedic surgeons with a major interest in spine surgery; 45 years of age or younger; Active or Associate member of SICOT in good standing (2025 annual membership fee paid); have an abstract (oral or poster) accepted for the Congress; registered for the Congress.
Please send the following documents to awards@sicot.org: CV and copy of birth certificate or passport

Application deadline: 4 June 2025
Sponsored by OrthoPediatrics and SICOT Foundation

Four scholarships of USD 500 each for posters in Paediatrics (including Clubfoot and Paediatrics Foot) and three scholarships of USD 1,000 each for orals in Paediatrics (including Clubfoot and Paediatrics Foot) and a certificate will be awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the Congress. The purpose is to allow eligible Active or Associate members of SICOT to attend the SICOT Congress by helping to cover the accommodation and travel costs.
Prerequisites: candidates must be paediatric orthopaedic surgeons or a general orthopaedic surgeons with a major interest in pediatric orthopaedic surgery; 45 years of age or younger; Active or Associate members of SICOT in good standing (2025 annual membership fee paid); have an abstract (oral or poster) accepted for the Congress; registered for the Congress.
Please send the following documents to awards@sicot.org: CV and copy of birth certificate or passport

Application deadline: 4 June 2025
Sponsored by OREF

Shimomura, OREF and SICOT invite proposals for the OREF/SICOT Travel Awards. The Award Recipient will be given the opportunity to attend the SICOT 45th Orthopaedic World Congress in Madrid on 3 – 5 September 2025. SICOT members who are private practice orthopaedic surgeons and fellows are encouraged to apply. SICOT members who are orthopaedic surgeons in an academic setting are also eligible to submit proposals for consideration. Award applicants must have a current membership in SICOT. More information can be found here.

Application deadline: 1 July 2025
Sponsored by the SICOT German section

The German section of SICOT is offering scholarships worth EUR 500 each to attend the Congress. Candidates must be German Associate Members of SICOT under 40 years old and must have had an abstract accepted for presentation at the Congress. More information is available here.

Application deadline: 1 May 2025


The SICOT Research Award Programme comprises five awards. The winners are chosen based on scientific merit by the Research Academy with one winner in each of the following areas:

1) Clinical Research

2) Basic Science

3) Young Investigator (first author must be less than 40 years old)

4) Female Researcher/Clinician (first author must be female)

5) Best Surgical Technique/Case Report

The first author of each winning manuscript must be prepared to present the paper in person at the 2025 SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress.

Papers submitted for the contest must be complete papers on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication. The submitted manuscript must be on Clinical Research and in the format for publication in International Orthopaedics.
The winning manuscript is encouraged to be submitted for publication in International Orthopaedics or SICOT-J following the regular peer-review process.

The award is open to both SICOT and non-SICOT members.
Prize: 1500 USD
Please send your application to the SICOT Head Office (awards@sicot.org) by 30 April 2025. Please note that the paper can only be submitted for one Award and the Award name should be mentioned in the email.
Papers submitted for the contest must be complete papers on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication. The submitted manuscript must be on Basic Science and in the format for publication in International Orthopaedics.
The winning manuscript is encouraged to be submitted for publication in International Orthopaedics or SICOT-J following the regular peer-review process.

The award is open to both SICOT and non-SICOT members.
Prize: 1500 USD
Please send your application to the SICOT Head Office (awards@sicot.org) by 30 April 2025. Please note that the paper can only be submitted for one Award and the Award name should be mentioned in the email.
Papers submitted for the contest must be complete papers on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication. It can be either a basic science or a clinical research paper. The submitted manuscript must be in the format for publication in International Orthopaedics.
The winning manuscript is encouraged to be submitted for publication in International Orthopaedics or SICOT-J following the regular peer-review process.

The award is open to both SICOT and non-SICOT members.
Prize: 1500 USD
Please send your application to the SICOT Head Office (awards@sicot.org) by 30 April 2025. Please note that the paper can only be submitted for one Award and the Award name should be mentioned in the email.
Papers submitted for the contest must be complete papers on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication. It can be either a basic science or a clinical research paper. The submitted manuscript must be in the format for publication in International Orthopaedics.

The award is open to both SICOT and non-SICOT members.
Prize: 500 USD
Please send your application to the SICOT Head Office (awards@sicot.org) by 30 April 2025. Please note that the paper can only be submitted for one Award and the Award name should be mentioned in the email.

The case report or surgical technique described for the contest must be in the format of a complete paper on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication.
For the format of the case report and surgical technique, it needs to be written up as a full paper and follow the following:

Case report:
- Maximum number of authors: 6 authors
- Abstract: 1 paragraph
- Required headings:
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Case report
  • Discussion (including the explanation of the case’s uniqueness and its clinical implications)
  • References
  • Figure Legends (if applicable)
- Word count:
  • abstract: up to 150
  • Manuscript: up to 1500 words
- Reference count: up to 10 (following the format of International Orthopaedics)
- Figure count: no limit
Surgical technique:
- Maximum number of authors: 3 authors
- Abstract: 1 paragraph
- Required headings:
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Pre-operative planning
  • Requirements for the surgery
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Surgical anatomy
  • Surgical technique
  • Postoperative management
  • Tips and tricks
  • Pitfalls
  • Complications
  • Uniqueness of the authors’ technique compared with the standard technique
  • Case illustration
  • References
  • Figure Legends (if applicable)
- Word count:
  • abstract: up to 300 words
  • Manuscript: up to 2500 words
- Reference count: up to 10 (following the format of International Orthopaedics)
- Figure count: no limit
The award is open to both SICOT and non-SICOT members.
Prize: 500 USD
Please send your application to the SICOT Head Office (awards@sicot.org) by 30 April 2025. Please note that the paper can only be submitted for one Award and the Award name should be mentioned in the email. 


No application is required for the awards below. The winners of the awards below will be selected from all presenters at the Congress. Award winners will be notified in advance and must attend the Closing Ceremony to receive their prize and a certificate.

Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

This Award was established in 2009 in memory of Henri Bensahel, Professor of Paediatric Orthopaedics and a Founding Member of IFPOS (International Federation of Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies). A prize of EUR 300 is awarded at the Closing Ceremony to the best oral presentation in Paediatrics.
Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

This Award was established in 2009 in memory of Henri Bensahel, Professor of Paediatric Orthopaedics and a Founding Member of IFPOS (International Federation of Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies). A prize of EUR 300 is awarded at the Closing Ceremony to the best oral presentation in Paediatrics.
Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

This Award was created in 2013 in honour of Shanmuga S. Jayakumar, considered to be amongst the greatest paediatric orthopaedic surgeons in the United States. A prize of EUR 300 is awarded to one of the best oral presentations in Paediatrics.
Sponsored by SICOT & AAOS

AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) will provide two free registrations for the AAOS Annual Meeting to SICOT-selected scholarship recipients, who will be chosen from a pool of candidates comprised of the winners of the best oral in Shoulder and Elbow and poster in Computers and Enabling Technologies. Travel expenses up to EUR 500 will be covered by SICOT (upon receiving an invoice as proof of your expenses).
Sponsored by SICOT & CCJR

The best oral in Hip Arthroplasty and poster in Knee Arthroplasty will be granted this award, which includes two free registrations (worth USD 900) for the CCJR (Current Concepts in Joint Replacement) Winter Course. Travel expenses up to EUR 500 will be covered by SICOT (upon receiving an invoice as proof of your expenses).
Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

The best candidate who passes the SICOT Diploma Examination will be awarded a prize of EUR 1,500 at the Closing Ceremony.
Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

The presenting authors of the ten best oral papers present their papers at the Best Papers Session during the Congress. The presenting author of the best oral presentation selected during this session will be awarded a prize of EUR 1,000 at the Closing Ceremony.
Sponsored by the SICOT Congress

The presenting author of the best poster will be awarded a prize of EUR 600 at the Closing Ceremony.